Saturday, August 29, 2009

Google Adv.

This Traveler IQ was calculated on Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 03:39PM GMT by comparing this person's geographical knowledge against the Web's Original Travelogue's 4,464,748 travelers who've taken the challenge.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The array of time we crossing right now are distinctly convincible to get a glorious recognition may it be a bad omen … but something is there in this mud ball on which we are lying around. Recently celebrated anniversary of moonlanding by some people from the brighter part of this mud ball, So, the discussion will revolve around the supernaturalism of eclipse’s , effects of moving bolls around a glowing fire called Sun, and its correlation with the fourth dimension called TIME.

The months of July and August 2009 are witnessing a rare Astro metabolic activities which affect adversely on the creatures living on this mud ball i.e we all. These is not to be assumed my orthodoxy thinking rather , history recommends that such rare combination of positioning had affected badly to human in recent and past history.

There is some Astro jargon like lunar month, which can be defined in my words as : If you would be living on the face of moon , as moon takes @ 354 days to revolve around the red ball thus it has different month days.. (think on this: if you are living on moon , what is surrogated for full moon day and amavashya , funny.. can it be full earth day?? I leave it for you to think)

Triple eclipses occurring in a single lunar month, as of July 7 a lunar, July 22 a solar and Aug 6 again a lunar eclipse. Some may say its coincidental but, laziness should have some limit. The creation of this world and setting of such heavenly bodies as they are and putting oxygen in your nostrils … this just cant be coincidence. And one who thinks its mere science, that sluggish slog’s blood is deficient to reach his softest muscles below hair, if not skull. If you are one of that you don’t have to hide your innocence, talk to me or someone who’s on the quest to find one good reason behind all this life and death crap.

A page from the textbook which our teacher’s don’t teach well: HISTORY

The first triple eclipse occurred in 3067 BC and coincided with the Kurukshetra war. Another triple eclipse ocurred in 3031 BC, this coincided with the destruction of the ancient city of Dwarka , Nat Geo or Discovery found some stuffs at ocean bed outside Gujarat in deep waters of Arabian Sea.(I indent to make you clear that Hindu Mythology is not a mere myth). In recent times, the first half of the 20th century saw the occurrence of a series of triple eclipse between 1910 and 1945, which coincided with World War I and II, the Holocaust, and the nuclear bombings in Japan. Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima are mere materialistic reflections of the jugglery of supernatural ball game, being played with all these balls , stars and time is the line of supremacy.

What Your Forefather(s) Say:

As per Dharm Sindhu and Nirnay Sindhu -the ancient books mentioning the effect of celestial events, "Whenever a triple eclipse occurs in a lunar month, it will cause mass destruction, discontent and suffering among the masses, decline of empires (symbolizing government in the present reference) and global wars."

It’s like a child (I imagine it may be gal) playing on the beach with the sand creating landscapes, trees , rivers ,etc. and at the regular interval her nasty brother arrives and destroys her creation. Thank god the gal starts again ab initio. Ohh! Here I have used to term God, but this article is intentionally kept untouched to the complexities, if you are eager to correlate , read the poem in the very same blog after this.

What’s a big deal :

This will be the longest Solar Eclipse witnessed by Indians in the 21st Century and this triple Eclipse will be followed by six sets of such triple eclipses that will continue till 2020. I am sure, atleast one red wire in ur head implused about that 2020 Dream India Project by our Kalam Uncle. Keep this info in your dB, it will linked with all this supernaturalism in the epilogue of this article. Does, it marks the beginning of an Era of Triple Eclipses known to have always caused severe destruction. My freaky positive thinking say’s No. Even a scrap clock shows right time twice a day, then why not a bad omen shows a good symptom.

Some bad omens can be good , I will reiterate a short story to support , A man was very happy to book his ticket to his first ever flight to abroad, he was leaving for the same but some prophetic significance happened and he blasphemed for risk of ability to reach the airport but he could not make it. He thought prognostication and prophetic signs are correct they effect adversely to human. But ask what!! Mercy heavenly God, but that plane crashed and no one left to tell the tale. So, is the bad omen are always bad?

What's zol for India :

The concern for India is that we are surrounded by nations facing internal political strife. Pakistan!! We can kill the stray dog anytime… haa!! Lets first get the wolf.. The potential of this strife overflowing into India is pretty high and to make situations worse we have the Alarming beginning of the triple eclipse. The predicted path of the forthcoming eclipse and recently observed pattern of earthquakes hints that areas where this total eclipse will be visible in India are more susceptible to earthquakes and man-made and natural disasters.

The Kashmir Issue and a series of terrorist attacks are also likely to be a cause of serious concern. The Triple Eclipse warns of clashes between countries. I try not to distract from the topic and get myself refrained from writing on PoK , despite all the anger.
A poem :

Kashimiri keshar ab kumhlaye nahi ,

himgiri ke him me

Aag kahi lag jaye nahi..

What Lifeless drinkswala says (Beajaan) :

The Solar Eclipse on 22nd July will be auspicious for Taurus, Virgo,Libra and Aquarius.It will be slightly negative for Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces. It will be extremely negative for Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Capricorn.

I don’t believe this crap… and intentionally he kept me in a weak link team. Oh!! Am standing to the last in the list, but it will surely not even bit like that. I will turn the table with God.


Public ka panga :

The Triple eclipse will significantly affect the masses, by causing drought situations at some places and famines in the other areas. It will also affect the individuals by causing a mushrooming increase in diseases related to skin and blood. Swine Flu is the middle order batsman in their team.

In Vedic Astrology, Sun governs the Head, the mind and thoughts of individuals. Hence, it will cause severe mental tensions, adversely affect the inter-personal relationships well.
Eclipses are believed to cause severe health problems and are never advisable to be seen. As per the Agni Puraan it is believed that patients especially those suffering with hormonal and psychological problems, kids and pregnant ladies should NOT see the Eclipse at all. The Negative energies released during the eclipse can cause severe problems to the eyes, skin and hormones. Some muggle’s for the sake of wasted money in school studying science acclaim to stand in the either queue, you kindly read that story again. And keep following the loop.

Remedial Measures: *conditions apply

In Vedas, it is clearly mentioned that the effect of Eclipse starts 12 hours before the actual occurrence of the event. This period of 12 hours is known as sootak. Everyone must meditate and worship their Kuldevta. In case, one does not have any information about the Kuldevta then worshipping Lord Ganesha is ideally suggested. Ha haa isn’t it like a trump card.

Triple eclipse, Nostradamus and 2012:

Long back I saw a documentary on the Discovery channel stating that in Dec. 2012 we will have a major eclipse where the sun aligns with the earth, Venus, & the center of the Milky Way Galaxy that will change the magnetic fields of the earth, therefore causing a Domino effect that could destroy the earth!!

to be Continued.....

Monday, June 1, 2009

Amateur works....

God too commit mistakes ...

God too commit mistakes ...
but those are discrete,as "mis-take's"..

God is there,
to listen thy voice,
but to believe it or not
is a matter of choice.

finding relief in say-so pious hegemony..
surrender belief to capricious monopoly...
we are here
we are here
we are here in clinch of brightness,
crying more then smiles,
kill some water more then fire,
still some burning in desire
to breathe
desire to breathe
burning in desire to breathe..

Imagine atheist world
like a fist world
punching fact to feast,
with man woman and also the beast,
if everyone denies his hegemony
would there any less harmony..

no change .. no change change
when no change gonna make
praise his glory or
trace his gloom

then why then why then why..
we raise our horses
and handover the forces
to the unknown sources
...unknown supernatural sources..

God too commit mistakes ...
but those are discrete,as "mis-take's"..

References n inspirations:
Franklyn 2009
Jonathan Priest: If a god is willing to prevent evil, but not able, then he is not omnipotent. If he is able, but not willing, then he must be malevolent. If he is neither able or willing then why call him a god? Why else do bad things happen to good people?
Do we would be nevertheless same , without the so-called God?
Now the ball is in your court .... think , seek and destroy the ignorant innocence..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

""SlumDog Millionaire"" Loud or Laud !!

That was a time when our cottons strided long way to Manchester looms and fascinated the white skin de 'so called' Queen de English County, and We here running heads and tails with joy... but why??
Threads you can see still today in this photo.

Do We still feel happy to hear that mean exlamation in languages we barely could understand mean "Poor People". You ask your grand parents, they will say "years have changed in numbers,yet situation in sizes, proportionally same . Let it be our cotton shining on white skin or our titans glowing on while cellulose , We are still moon with a dark spot , with sunny veins undiscovered.
Despite all the hype, "Slumdog" has a deeply condescending attitude towards Indians.
While this self-billed "feel good movie of the year" may help us "feel good" that we are among the lucky ones on earth, it delivers a patronizing, colonial and ultimately sham statement on social justice for those who are not.
Danny Boyle's "Slumdog Millionaire", perhaps one of the most celebrated films in recent times, tells the rags-to-rajah story of a love-struck Indian boy, Jamal, who, with a little help from "destiny," triumphs over his wretched beginnings in Mumbai's squalid slums.
Riding on a wave of rave reviews, "Slumdog" has now won Hollywood's highest tribute, the Academy Award for Best Picture, along with seven more Oscars, including one for Best Director.
These honors will probably add some $100 million to "Slumdog's" box-office takings, as Oscar wins usually do. They will also further enhance the film's fast-growing reputation as an authentic representation of the lives of India's urban poor.
So far, most of the awards collected by the film have been accepted in the name of "the children," suggesting that its own cast and crew regard it (and have relentlessly promoted it) not as a cinematically spectacular, musically rich and entertaining work of fiction, which it is, but as a powerful tool of advocacy.
Nothing could be more worrying, as "Slumdog", despite all the hype to the contrary, delivers a deeply disempowering narrative about the poor that thoroughly undermines, if not totally negates, its seeming message of social justice.
"Slumdog" has angered many Indians because it tarnishes their perception of their country as a rising economic power and a beacon of democracy.
India's English-language papers, read mainly by its middle classes, have carried many bristling reviews of the film that convey an acute sense of wounded national pride.
While understandable, the sentiment is not defensible. Though at times embarrassingly contrived, most of the film's heartrending scenarios are inspired by a sad, but well-documented reality.
Corruption is certainly rampant among the police, and many will gladly use torture, though none is probably dim enough to target an articulate, English-speaking man who is already a rising media phenomenon.
Beggar-makers do round-up abandoned children and mutilate them in order to make them more sympathetic, though it is highly improbable that any such child will ever chance upon a $100 bill, much less be capable of identifying it by touch and scent alone.
Indeed, if anything, Boyle's magical tale, with its unconvincing one-dimensional characters and absurd plot devices, greatly understates the depth of suffering among India's poor.
It is near-impossible, for example, that Jamal would emerge from his ravaged life with a dewy complexion and an upper-class accent.
But the real problem with "Slumdog" is neither its characterization of India as just another Third World country, nor, within this, its shallow and largely impressionistic portrayal of poverty.
The film's real problem is that it grossly minimizes the capabilities and even the basic humanity of those it so piously claims to speak for.
It is no secret that much of "Slumdog" is meant to reflect life in Dharavi, the 213-hectare spread of slums at the heart of Mumbai.
The film's depiction of the legendary Dharavi, which is home to some one million people, is that of a feral wasteland, with little evidence of order, community or compassion.
Other than the children, the "slumdogs," no-one is even remotely well-intentioned. Hustlers, thieves, and petty warlords run amok, and even Jamal's schoolteacher, a thin, bespectacled man who introduces him to the Three Musketeers, is inexplicably callous. This is a place of evil and decay; of a raw, chaotic tribalism.
Yet nothing could be further from the truth. Dharavi teems with dynamism and creativity, and is a hub of entrepreneurial activity, in industries such as garment manufacturing, embroidery, pottery, and leather, plastics and food processing.
It is estimated that the annual turnover from Dharavi's small businesses is between US$50 to $100 million.
Dharavi's lanes are lined with cell-phone retailers and cybercafés, and according to surveys by Microsoft Research India, the slum's residents exhibit a remarkably high absorption of new technologies.
Governing structures and productive social relations also flourish. The slum's residents have nurtured strong collaborative networks, often across potentially volatile lines of caste and religion.
Many cooperative societies work together with grassroots associations to provide residents with essential services such as basic healthcare, schooling and waste disposal, and tackle difficult issues such as child abuse and violence against women.
In fact, they often compensate for the formal government's woeful inadequacy in meeting the needs of the poor.
Although it is true that these severely under-resourced self-help organizations have touched only the tip of the proverbial iceberg, it is important to acknowledge their efforts and agency.
Along with the simple fact that these communities, despite their grinding poverty, have valuable lives, warmth, generosity, and a resourcefulness that stretches far beyond the haphazard and purely individualistic, Darwinian sort portrayed in the film.
Indeed, the failure to recognize this fact has already led to a great deal of damage. Government bureaucrats have concocted many ham-handed, top-down plans for "developing" the slums based on the dangerous assumption that these are worthless spaces.
The most recent is the "Dharavi Redevelopment Project" (DRP), which proposes to convert the slums into blocks of residential and commercial high rises.
The DRP requires private developers to provide small flats (of about 250 sq. ft. each) to families that can prove they settled in Dharavi before the year 2000. In return for re-housing residents, the developers obtain construction rights in Dharavi.
The DRP is being fiercely resisted by slum residents' organizations and human rights activists, who see it an undemocratically conceived and environmentally harmful land-grab scheme (real-estate prices in Mumbai are comparable to Manhattan's).
Though perhaps better than razing the slums with bulldozers -- which is not, incidentally, an unpopular option among the city's rich – the DRP is far from a people-friendly plan.
It will potentially evict some 500,000 residents who cannot legally prove that they settled in Dharavi prior to 2000, and may destroy thousands of livelihoods by rendering unviable countless household-centered businesses.
If forced to move into congested high-rises, for example, the slum's potters and papad-makers, large numbers of who are women, will lose the space they need to dry their wares.
For the government, however, that the DRP will "rehabilitate" Dharavi by erasing the eyesore and integrating its "problem-population" into modern, middle-class Mumbai.
It is ironic that "Slumdog", for all its righteousness of tone, shares with many Indian political and social elites a profoundly dehumanizing view of those who live and work within the country's slums.
The troubling policy implications of this perspective are unmistakeably mirrored by the film. Since there are no internal resources, and none capable of constructive voice or action, all "solutions" must arrive externally.
After a harrowing life in an anarchic wilderness, salvation finally comes to Jamal, a Christ-like figure, in the form of an imported quiz-show, which he succeeds in thanks to sheer, dumb luck, or rather, because “it is written.”
Is it also "written," then, that the other children depicted in the film must continue to suffer? Or must they, like the stone-faced Jamal, stoically await their own “destiny” of rescue by a foreign hand?
Indeed, while this self-billed "feel good movie of the year" may help us "feel good" that we are among the lucky ones on earth, it delivers a patronizing, colonial and ultimately sham statement on social justice for those who are not.