Monday, June 1, 2009

Amateur works....

God too commit mistakes ...

God too commit mistakes ...
but those are discrete,as "mis-take's"..

God is there,
to listen thy voice,
but to believe it or not
is a matter of choice.

finding relief in say-so pious hegemony..
surrender belief to capricious monopoly...
we are here
we are here
we are here in clinch of brightness,
crying more then smiles,
kill some water more then fire,
still some burning in desire
to breathe
desire to breathe
burning in desire to breathe..

Imagine atheist world
like a fist world
punching fact to feast,
with man woman and also the beast,
if everyone denies his hegemony
would there any less harmony..

no change .. no change change
when no change gonna make
praise his glory or
trace his gloom

then why then why then why..
we raise our horses
and handover the forces
to the unknown sources
...unknown supernatural sources..

God too commit mistakes ...
but those are discrete,as "mis-take's"..

References n inspirations:
Franklyn 2009
Jonathan Priest: If a god is willing to prevent evil, but not able, then he is not omnipotent. If he is able, but not willing, then he must be malevolent. If he is neither able or willing then why call him a god? Why else do bad things happen to good people?
Do we would be nevertheless same , without the so-called God?
Now the ball is in your court .... think , seek and destroy the ignorant innocence..